Cutting Knives

Its has been a long journey just trying to get where I am today. No, I am not the top baker of the world, But I think I have a little knowledge that I can Share with you’ll there is no secret to it. I have used a number of different items and feel it would be beneficial to share these things with you’ll.

Starting out this Mini Blog of what has helped me through my Journey. Knives I have found that I personally appreciate the Dexter Scalloped Knife, the sculpting with these have given me the ability to sculpt and cut slices with ease. The ridges on the bottom tend to aid in getting a cleaner slice and I do a LOT of slicing.They are also called bread knives but let’s be honest the ones that normally come in a regular house set isn’t long enough.

Interested in Getting one visit - Dexter Knife

They have multiple, but any one works great once its a 12in or longer knife especially cutting 8in to 10in cakes for the 12in and 14in with a 12in cake. Be very careful these items are extremely sharp!

