Cake Combs
Hi, My Cakers This seems kind of fun its like having my own little journal not something I do anymore, but as you get older time and speaking to friends tend to lighten with more responsibilities. So lets jump into it, Cake Combs are so amazing and time saving if you never used one its fairly simple.
After, Icing a cake the outer sides or top can be combed to give the designed effect you needed or just the smoother surface. I recommend getting the double-pack only because its multiple items at a reasonable price. If you want to do another design you have options. Especially if you misplace them… lol
Link;Cake Combs Combo
you may also want to look at others but those are my day to day favorites.
Link to Multiple types of cake Combs,Cake Combs I personally prefer the metal ones although if you dont plan on using it often Plastic/Acrylics work.